
Further reading

* Priscilla Alderson (2000) Young Children's Rights. Jessica Kingsley. * Philippe Aries (1962) Centuries of Childhood trans R Baldrick. London: Cape.
* Priscilla Alderson (2000) Young Children's Rights. Jessica Kingsley.

* Philippe Aries (1962) Centuries of Childhood trans R Baldrick. London: Cape.

* R Cooter (ed) (1992) In the Name of the Child: Health and Welfare 1880-1940. Routledge.

* Christina Hardyment (1984) Dream Babies: Childcare from Locke to Spock.

Oxford University Press.

* H Hendrick (2003) Child Welfare: Historical dimensions, contemporary debate. Policy Press.

* A James and A Prout (eds) (1997) Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood. Falmer/Routledge.

* J and E Newson (1968) Four Years Old in an Urban Community. Allen & Unwin.

* J and E Newson (1971) Patterns of Infant Care in an Urban Community.

Pelican Books.

* Iona and Peter Opie (1969) Children's Games in Street and Playground.

Oxford University Press.

* Michael Rosen (1994) The Penguin Book of Childhood. Penguin.

* Clare Tomalin (1981) Parents and Children. Oxford University Press.


Many novels give vivid details about children's daily lives in past centuries:

* Charlotte Bronte (1846) Jane Eyre.

* Charles Dickens (1838) Oliver Twist.

* Jamila Gavin (2004) Coram Boy. Egmont Books.

* Laurie Lee (1998) Cider with Rosie. Penguin.

* Eileen and Rhoda Power (1968) Boys and Girls of History. Dobson Books

* T H White (1938) The Sword in the Stone. Putnam.