
In brief...A baby's birth weight

A baby's birth weight appears to have a greater influence on future mental ability and educational performance than their upbringing, say researchers at the Medical Research Council (MRC), based in University College London. Their study in the British Medical Journal examined the link between birthweight and the cognitive ability of 3,900 people born in 1946 who underwent tests of their mental abilities at the ages of eight, 11, 15, 26 and 43, under the auspices of the National Survey of Health and Development. Those of higher birth weight were more likely to have achieved higher qualifications, independently of social background.
A baby's birth weight appears to have a greater influence on future mental ability and educational performance than their upbringing, say researchers at the Medical Research Council (MRC), based in University College London. Their study in the British Medical Journal examined the link between birthweight and the cognitive ability of 3,900 people born in 1946 who underwent tests of their mental abilities at the ages of eight, 11, 15, 26 and 43, under the auspices of the National Survey of Health and Development. Those of higher birth weight were more likely to have achieved higher qualifications, independently of social background.