
In brief...Tackling racism

Tackling racism in the early years is the topic for conferences in London and Leeds next month. 'Tackling Race Hate, the role of early years providers: Accessing national and local initiatives to build antiracist communities', will consider how to address racial prejudice and do something about it with children and their families and with colleagues. Speakers at the conferences, organised by the Early Years Trainers Anti-Racist Network, will include Gurbux Singh, chair of the Commission for Racial Equality, speaking on race hate in society and its relevance to work with young children, and Naomi Eisenstadt, head of Sure Start, who will identify some of the national and local initiatives that providers can access. The day conference is in London on 4 April and Leeds on 1 May. Entrance costs 65 to EYTARN members and 85 to non-members. For further information contact EYTARN on 0151 639 1778 or e-mail
Tackling racism in the early years is the topic for conferences in London and Leeds next month. 'Tackling Race Hate, the role of early years providers: Accessing national and local initiatives to build antiracist communities', will consider how to address racial prejudice and do something about it with children and their families and with colleagues. Speakers at the conferences, organised by the Early Years Trainers Anti-Racist Network, will include Gurbux Singh, chair of the Commission for Racial Equality, speaking on race hate in society and its relevance to work with young children, and Naomi Eisenstadt, head of Sure Start, who will identify some of the national and local initiatives that providers can access. The day conference is in London on 4 April and Leeds on 1 May. Entrance costs 65 to EYTARN members and Pounds 85 to non-members. For further information contact EYTARN on 0151 639 1778 or e-mail
