
Jane Hutt

Jane Hutt remains the minister for health and social care, responsible for children, health, NHS Wales, social services, social care and food safety, in the Welsh Assembly Government's new cabinet unveiled on 8 May. Ms Hutt has been in the post since 1999. Jane Davidson stays as minister in charge of education and lifelong learning, encompassing schools, further education and skills development, higher education, the youth service and the careers service. The nine-member cabinet includes a new post of minister for social justice and regeneration. Former finance minister Edwina Hart takes on this role.
Jane Hutt remains the minister for health and social care, responsible for children, health, NHS Wales, social services, social care and food safety, in the Welsh Assembly Government's new cabinet unveiled on 8 May. Ms Hutt has been in the post since 1999. Jane Davidson stays as minister in charge of education and lifelong learning, encompassing schools, further education and skills development, higher education, the youth service and the careers service.

The nine-member cabinet includes a new post of minister for social justice and regeneration. Former finance minister Edwina Hart takes on this role.