
Media Watch

Farm animals have helped a four-year-old girl to talk for the first time, according to the Daily Mail.

Rose Willcocks of Bishop's Stortford, now nicknamed 'Miss Doolittle',had never spoken because of a genetic condition that damaged hervoicebox and windpipe. To her parents' surprise, she started chatting tothe animals on a recent trip to a farm. Her mother Esme, who now hopesRose's condition may improve, said, 'She wasn't actually saying words,but there were no two ways about it - she was talking to a cow.'

Supernanny could be taking over where Mary Poppins left off by promotingBritish nannies overseas, said The Times, crediting a high demand forthem to reality TV shows. 'If a nanny is well-educated and a little bitposh there will be no problems getting a visa,' said Vanessa Cook,managing director of the Little Ones nanny agency in London.