
Monitor whether medicines have been properly tested for children

New EU regulations are to monitor whether medicines have been properly tested for children. Around 50 per cent of European drugs used to treat children have never been tested on them and dosages are often in doubt. or been authorised for their use. The amount of dosage to give a child is often in doubt too. The UK's health minister Rosie Winterton said, 'This regulation will help to ensure that we have safe and effective medicines specially formulated for children.'
New EU regulations are to monitor whether medicines have been properly tested for children. Around 50 per cent of European drugs used to treat children have never been tested on them and dosages are often in doubt.

or been authorised for their use. The amount of dosage to give a child is often in doubt too. The UK's health minister Rosie Winterton said, 'This regulation will help to ensure that we have safe and effective medicines specially formulated for children.'