
Move on up

The National Professional Qualification in Integrated Centre Leadership (NPQICL) is the first national programme for leaders within multi-agency, early years settings. The programme forms part of a series of initiatives developed to support recommendations in the government Green Paper Every Child Matters.
The National Professional Qualification in Integrated Centre Leadership (NPQICL) is the first national programme for leaders within multi-agency, early years settings.

The programme forms part of a series of initiatives developed to support recommendations in the government Green Paper Every Child Matters.

There are currently more than 170 integrated children's centres around the country with government plans to expand this to 2,500 by 2008 and 3,500 by 2010. The qualification seeks to provide leaders/managers and emerging leaders/managers of integrated centres with an opportunity to create an ethos of community partnership working by co-ordinating coherent and seamless high quality services for children and families.

Course provider: The programme will be delivered through regional providers, to be announced shortly.

Entry qualifications: It is anticipated that applicants will hold a UK honours degree (2.2 or above) or an acceptable equivalent qualification. It is also expected that applicants will be able to provide evidence of academic capability and demonstrate that they are able to manage the course demands. In particular circumstances a lower level qualification with appropriate experience may be considered subject to the applicant being able to demonstrate 'graduateness'. Duration: One year.

Methods of study: The programme is designed to build on participants'

own experiences and take account of the situations and circumstances in which they work. It is through the exploration of these experiences that learning about leadership will be achieved and participants will have the opportunity to relate theories about leadership to their own practice.

Course content: The programme is designed to give participants the opportunity to reflect in depth on their leadership work, build on participants' own experiences and take account of the situations and circumstances in which they work. Participants have a choice of two routes through the NPQICL qualification: a study programme or research project.

On the study route there are eight strands, four in each module, including clarifying values, principles and visions; developing an effective learning environment; exploring leadership styles and approaches; making things happen; developing professional practice and leading learning; managing change, innovation and development; building community and partnership; creating the future.

The research route will enable participants to undertake a substantial piece of leadership focused research.

Career moves: NPQICL is a nationally recognised qualification validated by the DfES. It is equivalent to 60 Master's level CAT points. NCSL proposes that higher education institutions admit participants to a Master's programme with 33 per cent credit (60 points at M level) under their accreditation of prior learning (APL) arrangements, providing that they hold an NPQICL certificate.

* More information from National College for School Leadership at