
My life at work

Name: Cathy Hughes Age: 38 Job title: Lead Pedagogue
Name: Cathy Hughes Age: 38

Job title: Lead Pedagogue

Name of organisation and department: Cheshire County Council, Children's Services - Sure Start Cheshire

Location: Based in Ellesmere Port, but I work across the county

Salary: 33,627 - 36,711


Cheshire's pedagogue team provides the qualified teacher support within our children's centres. We work alongside early years consultants and area SENCOs, as part of the inclusion and quality assurance team.

I share lead responsibility for the team with Jo Basford, and my role has two main aspects. The first is to ensure the development of quality provision and practice within children's centres. In Cheshire, we work with schools and private, voluntary and independent providers to develop flexible, inclusive and sustainable childcare for all children. Our vision is to create a workforce that embraces the holistic needs of the child and family through combining the care and education of children.

Pedagogues share their knowledge and expertise of the birth to five frameworks, while nursery staff bring their experience of the day care standards and extended day. Together we identify and plan staff training, and work directly with the children.

Pedagogues advise, support and model good practice with local community settings and schools. We also support other services run through the centre, providing opportunities for inter-generational learning.

The other dimension of my role is planning and building centres. I work with architects, staff and school governing bodies, health workers, nursery providers, children and families.

Likes and dislikes.

It is a privilege to be a lead pedagogue. I am supported by inspirational managers and I lead a team who are excited and committed to working in new and different ways. Sometimes as a class teacher, I felt unable to work in a holistic way in bringing early childhood, education and care together.

This role gives me the best of working with children and influencing change within the sector.

EYFS will be another challenge; we must ensure a 'bottom up' approach that supports practitioners with children from birth through into reception classes, without the mixed messages of the strategies impacting on children's entitlement.

Best achievement

My main role in the design of centres has been developing outside environments. We have achieved some exciting places for children to explore or relax in, and inspired staff to encourage children to be sensible 'risk takers' and discover together the possibilities the outdoors can bring.

Through this, I have been directly involved in creating better outcomes for our children. This, as you can imagine, is immensely rewarding!


I have a degree in early years education. My knowledge and understanding of how children develop and learn has been underpinned by additional Birth to Three Matters and Foundation Stage training. During the past two years I completed a certificate in Integrated Service Leadership, became an endorsed High/Scope trainer and visited Reggio Emilia.

Career path

I worked as an early years teacher for 12 years, becoming the lead teacher in a 78-place nursery. After developing early years ICT, I was asked to support our advisory team in delivering Foundation Stage ICT training.

In 2002, I became a Foundation Stage consultant for Cheshire Sure Start, working alongside Ellesmere Port Sure Start Local Programme and supporting children's centre development. I became a children's centre co-ordinator in 2003 and lead pedagogue in 2004.

Career progression

It is exhilarating working with an agenda that moves with rapid pace and directly influences better outcomes for children and families. The pedagogue team will grow over the next four years, and I am looking forward to leading this wonderful team from strength to strength.


We are lucky to be working within the early years at a time of great change and development. If this kind of role appeals to you, find out about the development of children's centres in your authority and how you can play a part in them. I would also urge you to make strong links with partner settings.

With EYFS, we will need to 'grow' a new workforce. For those people with QTS, there will be opportunities to work in different ways within and beyond the classroom. Our time is 'now' - go for it!

Hobbies & Interests

* share a love of horse riding with my daughter, the excitement of exploring a beach with my son and border collie, and a good bottle of Italian Red with my husband!

Further information:

* Cathy.Hughes@

* Jo.Basford@

* www.cheshire.


