
My life at work

Name: Ceara Gallagher Age: 32 Job title: Specialist speech and language therapist
Name: Ceara Gallagher Age: 32

Job title: Specialist speech and language therapist

Employer: I CAN Early Years Centre at Ballynahinch Primary School

Location: Ballynahinch, Northern Ireland


My job is varied and ranges from working with children to training professionals. As speech and language therapist (SLT) in our early years centre, I am involved in assessing and diagnosing children with specific speech and language difficulties, using a range of formal and informal assessments.

It is important to assess all areas of speech, language and communication.

This can include children's attention and listening skills, understanding of language, sounds and oral skills, vocabulary, sentence structure and social communication and interaction skills.

Once the child's holistic needs have been identified by the team (the teacher, SLT and nursery assistant), we plan aims and targets for the child in order to develop their speech and language skills through the nursery curriculum.

Working with parents is also a crucial part of my job. We discuss their child's needs and targets and provide training so that they too can continue to support their child at home.

In the nursery I work with the children on a one-on-one basis or in small or large groups. We have quite a structured day so the children get used to a routine and receive as much practise as possible when it comes to developing their speech, language and communication skills.

In a typical day we start with welcome time, and then move in to free play where the teacher, nursery assistant and myself work alongside the children to develop their speech and language skills through play. Then we have structured language and sound groups where we work on various skills such as developing vocabulary, working on concept under- standing, improving sounds and oral skills (tongue and lip movement). At storytime we also teach the children nursery rhymes and songs. Children at our nursery will be taking part in I CAN's Chatterbox Challenge next January to help raise money for other children who struggle to communicate.

A big part of my job also involves outreach to mainstream settings that do not have speech and language provision attached to them.


I enjoy the combination of working with parents and professionals, as well as with the children. It is great to work with children in a natural language learning environment such as a nursery, rather than a speech and language therapy clinic. The children respond very well because they are relaxed and we can develop their language skills through play and the nursery curriculum.

There are also challenges to my job, which I find difficult. Due to the intensive nature of the way we work, it requires a huge amount of energy and commitment and it can be demanding and stressful.

Best achievement

I am most proud of the work I am currently doing at I CAN. I have been here since the centre first opened in 2000 and it has been great to see it grow and develop over the years. I feel proud of the work that we have done and the difference we are trying to make in the lives of so many children - that's what makes the job particularly rewarding.

It is so wonderful at the end of each year to see how much the children have achieved and how proud the parents are.


A speech and language therapy degree is essential. I have a BSc honours in Speech and Language Therapy from the Ulster University at Jordanstown.

Experience in education and courses on related topics such as dyspraxia and autism are helpful. I CAN itself provides useful training.

Career path

My first few years were spent working in community clinics, then I spent two years working with school- age children in a mainstream speech and language therapy unit. This really developed my knowledge and skills of specific language impairment, the education system and working as part of a team. I also worked as a research SLT for the Down Lisburn Trust for two years.

Career progression

I am working at specialist level as a specialist in pre-school speech and language impairment. I do not wish to climb further up the ladder into a managerial position. I enjoy working hands-on with the children and my job is quite autonomous.


I think enthusiasm and a sense of humour are key to the job. You need the ability to work in a team and to have an adaptable, flexible and innovative approach. You also need to be open to sharing information and learning from others. Also, you need to be patient and have a sense of fun.

Interest/ hobbies

I am into amateur dramatics and I really enjoy singing and music. I also like gardening and spending time with my family (and my cats!).

Useful contacts

* I CAN - the charity which helps children communicate

* Chatterbox Challenge, supported by Nursery World, Tesco Baby & Toddler Club and Leapfrog Toys (UK), takes place from 31 January 2005. If your nursery would like to take part, you can order a Chatterpack by calling 0870 4585 475 or by logging on to www.chatter

* www.talkingpoint.

* Afasic - www.

* Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists -

* National Autistic Society - www.

* British Stammering Association - www.

* PAPA -