
Nearly a third of Reception children's physical development 'of concern'

Health Child Development
The number of four-year-olds not physically ready to start school is rising, research from Loughborough University claims.

Tests used to assess children’s physical development have revealed that nearly a third of children were ‘of concern’ and up to 90 per cent of children had some degree of movement difficulty.

Early years specialists in the University’s School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences tested 45 Foundation Stage children at two different schools and found that a larger number than previously estimated were experiencing problems with balance and co-ordination.

The research suggests that up to 30 per cent of children in Reception are starting school with symptoms typically associated with dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD.

A supplementary study that questioned 25 primary school Foundation Stage teachers also revealed teachers believe children are starting school less physically ready than ever before, with 80 per cent of teachers identifying the decline having happened in the last three to six years.  

Loughborough study lead Dr Rebecca Duncombe, said, ‘A child’s physical development level impacts their ability to complete simple tasks such as sitting still, holding a pencil, putting on their shoes, and especially reading – all skills essential for school.

‘Our research shows that not only are children starting school less physically ready than ever before, but that teachers are noticing this change and its impact in the classroom.’

During the last year Dr Duncombe and Professor Pat Preedy have piloted a learning programme with children at two schools, which is designed to redress the decline in their physical development.

It includes throwing and catching bean bags, balancing, articulating sounds and skipping.

Movement for Learning programme leader Professor Preddy said, ‘Children today are moving less, they’re developing less well, and they’re learning less; we need to do something drastic to make sure children now and in the future get the movement they need to develop properly physically, intellectually and emotionally.

‘Research shows there is a link between early movement and children’s development and learning.

‘The Movement for Learning programme helps children do those movements they should have had the opportunity to do when they were younger and to be really ready to start learning and make the progress they should be doing when they start school.

‘It’s an easy, cost-effective solution for a growing problem, and this research shows it could be life changing for so many children, particularly those with additional needs such as dyspraxia and dyslexia.’

Schools taking part in the pilot have reported improvements in children’s physical development and learning.

A reception teacher at one of the schools said, ‘The children have seen massive benefits from the programme, from physical improvements such as being able to catch a ball better and run more stably, to less obvious benefits I didn’t expect such as becoming more independent, being better at following instruction and team working, and being much quicker at taking their shoes and socks off. The children’s pencil grip is much stronger which has impacted their writing, and their reading is better too.’

Researchers are now extending the Foundation Stage pilot to 30 schools and are in the process of recruiting Year One classes for the next school year.