
New guide to under-threes practice

Scotland's first national guidance for people working with children aged birth to three is set to be launched in Edinburgh next week. Birth to Three: supporting our youngest children, commissioned by the Scottish Executive Education Department, is based on three R's - Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect. The guidance highlights consideration for effective practice in each of these areas, though how they are interpreted in practice will be left to individuals and teams.
Scotland's first national guidance for people working with children aged birth to three is set to be launched in Edinburgh next week.

Birth to Three: supporting our youngest children, commissioned by the Scottish Executive Education Department, is based on three R's - Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect. The guidance highlights consideration for effective practice in each of these areas, though how they are interpreted in practice will be left to individuals and teams.

Linda Kinney from Stirling Council Children's Services said, 'I hope these guidelines will provide an understanding of current thinking and research on good practice. There is a view that babies are there just waiting to be inputted with adult knowledge, but we are now learning to see them as small, capable people already striving to engage with the world. The guidance will help carers and practitioners to see this potential in children and bring it out.'

Early years consultant Jennie Lindon said, 'People in England should certainly keep an eye on the new Scottish guidance. They have taken a slightly different approach from Birth to Three Matters and have some very interesting material. We shouldn't be restricted by borders.'

Guidance packs for practitioners and a separate parent's guide will be distributed from 18 January by Learning and Teaching Scotland, and a full resource pack will be available in the summer. Meanwhile, video clips exemplifying the three key features are available on the website

* A conference to celebrate the progress of Birth to Three Matters, called 'Birth to Three Matters:where are we now?, takes place in Manchester on 26 February. For details call 0161 247 2043.