

In Stock

Online at the centre

A website to offer improved support and information for families withyoung children has been launched by Sunderland Children's Centre.Councillor Pat Smith, cabinet member for children's services, said, 'Thenew website will allow both families and professionals to gain betteraccess to useful information and advice at a time and in a way whichsuits them.' Sunderland children's centres also now offer visitorsaccess to a public computer where they can search the Internet or lookfor work free of charge. Visit formore information.

Online at the centre

A new wall planner, Engaging Fathers, from the Pre-School LearningAlliance aims to enhance partnership working with fathers. Thelaminated, A1 size planner features photos of fathers with theirchildren and success stories of increased father involvement. Allianceinclusion officer Tim Kahn said, 'We hope our initiatives will supportearly years settings to be able to engage more effectively withfathers.'

People and Places

Raising the rainbow

Legacy Rainbow House, Lancashire, an educational and rehabilitationcharity for children with disabilities, held a fundraising weekend witha target of 1.5m to improve its services and create moreawareness and support for the charity. Events included a ladies'luncheon hosted by stars of BBC Radio Lancashire, a sportsmans' supper,a community tea party and the seventh annual Rainbow Ball. Founder ofthe charity, Joe Mawdsley, whose sons were both born with a raredisabling condition, said, 'The weekend was a celebration of their livesand of all the things we have achieved at the Legacy Rainbow House forthe children with disabilities whom we help to lead more independentlives.'

Graduation day

Staff from TLC Nursery at Nottingham University held a graduationceremony for the children leaving (black gowns, right). Families wereinvited to a party with games and a bouncy castle, and listened tospeeches and amusing stories about each child. At the end of the day,each child received a leaving gift and graduation certificatescroll.

Meanwhile, children at Tynemouth Nursery, Tyne and Wear (green gowns,right), threw their mortar boards in the air at the end of a graduationceremony celebrating their success. Area manager for TNG, Sharon Moore,said, 'It's a proud moment for us all to see how much the children havedeveloped and the enthusiasm they have as they take that all-importantstep into "big school".' All of the children were presented with adiploma and gift before enjoying a magic show and bouncy castle.

Photo of the week

Abbie Butschok of Le Monde Petit Day Nursery in Burnley bunny-hopped herway through the nursery's jungle walk, a feature of its newly openedoutdoor garden play area. The all-weather play area also includes a minimaze, a scented garden, a water play feature and an area where childrencan grow their own produce.

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