
Nursery activities

The Gruffalo The children in the Treetops Room at George Dent Nursery School, Darlington, were highly motivated by a recent visit from local ceramicist Mike Harris. Working together, they created clay models of characters from one of their favourite storybooks, The Gruffalo.
The Gruffalo

The children in the Treetops Room at George Dent Nursery School, Darlington, were highly motivated by a recent visit from local ceramicist Mike Harris. Working together, they created clay models of characters from one of their favourite storybooks, The Gruffalo.

Planned learning intentions

To continue to be interested, excited and motivated to learn

To show an interest in illustrations and print in books

To explore malleable materials by patting, stroking, poking, squeezing, pinching and twisting them

To work creatively on a large or small scale


A copy of The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson (Macmillan Children's Books)

clay ,clay tools ,ceramic paint ,glaze access to a kiln

Step by step

* We began by inviting in local ceramicist Mike Harris and explained to the children that this visitor would be helping them to make clay models.

* We then discussed what the children would like to make with him and decided upon models of the main characters from a favourite story book, The Gruffalo.

* When Mike arrived, he demonstrated his work to the children, showing them examples of his tools and materials and some of the things that he had made.

* The children gathered round our special outdoor story seat and eagerly listened as Mike read The Gruffalo. They then went over to the outdoor workshop area and watched as Mike created clay models of their chosen characters. Naturally, the 'scary scaly' Gruffalo himself was first choice!

* The children eagerly explored the tools and the rough texture of the clay Mike had brought along before deciding upon characters to model.

Some chose to work in small groups and others preferred to work alone.

* Lively conversation continued as they tried out Mike's special paint and glazing material on their models.

* The children created an exciting collection of highly individual characters for Mike to fire in his studio.


* Make representations of 'Gruffalo' characters using different media, for example, collage or recycled materials.

* Experiment with pushing natural materials such as seeds and twigs into air-dry clay models to create interesting textures and features.

Kate Jennings is the nursery teacher in the Treetops Room at George Dent Nursery School, Darlington. She spoke to Jean Evans.