
Nursery activities

Encourage children to use numbers in everyday contexts by displaying theme-related number lines, says Julie Payne. Planned learning intentions
Encourage children to use numbers in everyday contexts by displaying theme-related number lines, says Julie Payne.

Planned learning intentions

To say and use number names in order and in familiar contexts

To count reliably up to ten everyday objects

To recognise numerals one to nine


Card felt pens scissors laminator strong thread hole punch washing line pegs

Step by step

* Draw ten large, clear pictures of theme-related objects. For example, for a transport theme, include a bus, car, aeroplane and sailing ship.

* Mount the pictures on card, with an image on either side. Colour them in contrasting colours before attaching a black numeral from one to ten on either side of each picture.

* Laminate the finished cards for protection.

* Decide on a simple theme-related image, for example, a wheel, and create 55 of these so that the appropriate number can be hung under each picture.

* Punch holes at the top and bottom of both the pictures and the smaller images.

* Fasten a washing line across the room, above the maths area if you have one. Tie strong thread to the top and bottom of the pictures and fasten each one in order along the line using pegs. Tie the appropriate number of smaller images under each picture.


* Draw children's attention to the pictures turning around on currents of air, and make links to your theme.

* Count the pictures together and invite children to point to the numbers as you do so.

* Ask the children to name different numbers and check by counting the smaller images below them.

* Encourage the children to use the line themselves as a counting resource.

* Start with a number line of just five pictures for younger children.

Extension activities

* Create a new number line for each theme, for example, depicting animals, shapes, patterns or items of clothing.

* Hang a low line alongside the maths area and supply resources for children to create their own number lines.

Julie Payne, nursery manager at Dunchurch Nursery, near Rugby, Warwickshire, spoke to Jean Evans