
Nursery activities: Art and craft

Smells good!

In the summertime, children's sense of smell is further awakened by anabundance of flowers in gardens and the countryside. Extend thesesensations by providing opportunities to stimulate their sense of smellduring child-initiated creative activities. Follow some of thesesuggestions, encouraging children to be more discerning about smellsthey like and dislike by talking about their experiences.

As with all activities involving perfumed products and foods, check forany allergies children may have.

Regular activities

- Add essences, such as peppermint, lemon, almond and vanilla, to potsof glue and paint. Consider an appropriate smell for each paint colour,for example, lemon for yellow or vanilla for white.

- Stir perfumed essence into a batch of dough at the mixing stage.Herbs, leaves and petals

- Make a collection of dried flowers, petals and herbs, and encouragechildren to sprinkle them freely on to a piece of card covered in athick layer of PVA glue, creating a collage of interesting smells.

Memories of the outdoors

- Evoke seaside memories by gluing seaweed, sand and small shells tostrong card.

- Capture a woodland aroma with a collage of compost, leaves, conkersand twigs.

- Create a garden from dried flowers and herbs, such as mint andlavender.

- Put heather on a 'moorland' collage.

Household smells

- Have children draw pictures and patterns on a washable surface coveredwith shaving foam or toothpaste.

- Make wax-resist patterns with a bar of perfumed soap on white paper,and then cover the paper with thin paint.

- Sprinkle talcum powder on to blue paper covered in glue to createsweet-smelling clouds.

- Evoke memories of mealtimes by sprinkling dried flavour enhancers,such as stock cubes or curry powder, to a paper plate covered withglue.

- Enjoy the aromas of drinks by sprinkling tea leaves, coffee granules,jelly crystals, fruit essences or milk shake powders on to cup-shapedcards covered with glue.

- Cut out magazine pictures of hot puddings and glue them to card beforesprinkling them with a range of spices, such as cinnamon and groundcloves.