
Nursery World Awards 2008: Initiatives - Inclusive Practice Award

WINNER: Tower Hamlets Opportunity Group, London

This small playgroup sprung up from a dream to provide a truly inclusiveenvironment for young children, whatever their ability or disability.There are now 40 children attending, most with significant additionalneeds, they and their families receiving professional and specialisedcare from the THOG team.

Each child and family is nurtured to build up self-esteem andself-worth. This holistic approach brought THOG a commendation in theWorking with Parents category, and is a major reason behind the successof their inclusive practice. All parents, including many who arevulnerable or living in poverty, are brought into the THOG family alongwith their children.

As its nomination says, 'the team never says "that's not our job",' andthe outreach work establishes trusting relationships with families.Parents are introduced to voluntary work and given responsibilitythrough helping out at the group - this often represents a first steptowards a better life for them and their families.

THOG provides a fully inclusive curriculum with play at its heart.Manager Lorraine Dooley believes that 'the purpose of play is to educatechildren, and too many parents and children don't know how to play anymore. We want to get them away from the television and we encouragefamilies to use play activities at home. Get the children to dress up,or play at being superheroes like Batman'.

Children unable to travel by public transport are picked up in hiredcommunity transport, funded by social care and THOG's own fundraisingefforts, so that no one is left out. One father's request demonstratesthe inclusive practice here perfectly. His two sons with additionalneeds attend THOG and he asked for his daughter to attend regularly aswell so that she could have the same positive experiences as herbrothers.

FINALIST: London Borough of Bromley Pre School Specialist Early SupportServices, Bromley, Kent


Open to services or projects that promote equality of opportunity andthe best outcomes for all children, regardless of special needs,background or disadvantage.

- Sponsored by CWDC.