
Ofsted figures show rise in good and outstanding grades

The number of nurseries and childminders rated as good or outstanding has increased in the last year.

Ofsted’s latest statistics on ‘Childcare inspections and outcomes’ show as of 31 March 2015, 85 per cent of providers were rated as good or outstanding during their most recent inspection, up from 78 per cent a year earlier.

Of those judged as good or outstanding, 84 per cent were childminders, an increase of eight percentage points on the previous year, and 87 per cent nurseries, up from 82 per cent at the end of March 2014.

The number of providers judged as ‘requires improvement’ or inadequate also fell slightly.

As of March 2015, Ofsted had inspected 61,935 providers on the early years register. This included 22,844 nurseries and 28,943 childminders.

At the same time as providers’ inspection grades were improving, the figures show a continuing decline in the number of childminders.

Since last March, the number of childminders have fallen by 3,615, leaving 47,558 childminders at 31 March 2015. There was also a slight drop in childminder places.

Meanwhile, the number of nursery providers and places have increased.

Between 31 August 2014 and 31 March 2015, the number of places rose by 10,396 from 1,026,061 to 1,036,457.

During the same period, the number of nursery providers increased by 202.

Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Pre-School Learning Alliance, said, ‘These figures are a direct result of the hard work and dedication of early years practitioners. Despite underfunding and diminishing local authority support, providers continue to deliver high-quality care and education to children and families and for this, the sector is to be congratulated. It is vital that going forward, providers are given the support they need – both financial and practical – to continue delivering quality services, and so adequate investment into the sector will be crucial to ensuring that this positive trend continues in the long term.’

Mr Leitch went on to voice concerns about the reduction in the number of childminders.

He said, ‘Childminders play a crucial role in the provision of high-quality, flexible early education and care, and so it is deeply concerning that they are continuing to decline in number.

‘At a time when the Government is looking to expand early years services in this country, it is vital that the value of the services that childminders offer is recognised and that they are supported and encouraged to continue providing them.’

Liz Bayram, chief executive of the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY), said, 'We are of course concerned to see a further decline in the number of registered childminders, but this needs to be balanced with the growing number of childminders now employing at least one childminding assistant, so they can offer more places

'Nevertheless, our recent Building Blocks research revealed a fifth of home-based providers were unsure as to whether they would still be working in the profession in twelve months time, and this should be a cause for serious concern for a Government keen to drive through a significant increase in the number of free childcare places.

'It is the duty and responsibility of local authorities to actively manage their local childcare market, and this includes encouraging more people to become childminders. Without this, the number of registered childminders is likely to continue to fall, and families will lose the benefit of this quality, flexible provision.

'The extension of the free entitlement presents a great opportunity for local authorities to support different settings to work in partnership to share delivery.'