
Preventing childhood obesity

Preventing childhood obesity - examining what initiatives work The European Food Information Council reviews studies on preventing childhood obesity, including include an Australian primary school study that introduced one and a quarter hours of fitness training each day without any loss of academic achievement, and a US study which provided a curriculum for eight- to nine-year-olds focusing on reducing TV viewing and computer games; compared with a control group the children had a lower average body mass index and skinfold thickness. Food Today 56, p1. Nov-Dec 2006. Download from
Preventing childhood obesity - examining what initiatives work The European Food Information Council reviews studies on preventing childhood obesity, including include an Australian primary school study that introduced one and a quarter hours of fitness training each day without any loss of academic achievement, and a US study which provided a curriculum for eight- to nine-year-olds focusing on reducing TV viewing and computer games; compared with a control group the children had a lower average body mass index and skinfold thickness.

Food Today 56, p1. Nov-Dec 2006. Download from
