
Reader offer

We have ten copies of 'Keeping the Beat - Nursery Rhymes for Today's Children' (Keeping the Beat, 10) to give away to Nursery World readers. The CD features traditional rhymes like 'Humpty Dumpty' and 'Five Little Ducks' set to contemporary styles of music. Send your name and address on the back of a postcard or envelope, marked 'Keeping the Beat', to the address on page 3. Winners will be the first ten names drawn on 27 April.
We have ten copies of 'Keeping the Beat - Nursery Rhymes for Today's Children' (Keeping the Beat, 10) to give away to Nursery World readers. The CD features traditional rhymes like 'Humpty Dumpty' and 'Five Little Ducks' set to contemporary styles of music.

Send your name and address on the back of a postcard or envelope, marked 'Keeping the Beat', to the address on page 3. Winners will be the first ten names drawn on 27 April.

To find out more about more or place an order, call 07761 769733, e-mail or visit