
Reader offer

We have five sets of Strawberries in a Basket game (TTS Early Steps, 19.50, Code: MSTRAW, tel: 0800 318 686) to give away to Nursery World readers. Send your name and address on the back of a postcard or envelope, marked 'Strawberries game', to the address on page 3. Winners will be the first five names drawn on 8 February.
We have five sets of Strawberries in a Basket game (TTS Early Steps, Pounds 19.50, Code: MSTRAW, tel: 0800 318 686) to give away to Nursery World readers. Send your name and address on the back of a postcard or envelope, marked 'Strawberries game', to the address on page 3. Winners will be the first five names drawn on 8 February.