
References and further reading

* Chilvers, Di Young Children Talking (priced 5, Early Education, * Cousins, Jacqui (1999) Listening to Four-Year-Olds - How they can help us plan their education and care (National Children's Bureau)
* Chilvers, Di Young Children Talking (priced 5, Early Education,

* Cousins, Jacqui (1999) Listening to Four-Year-Olds - How they can help us plan their education and care (National Children's Bureau)

* Cousins, Jacqui, 'All About...Children's learning' (Nursery World, 6 January 2005)

* Dowling, Marion (2005) Supporting Young Children's Sustained Shared Thinking - An exploration (Early Education)

* Dowling, Marion, 'All About...Children's thinking' (Nursery World, 6 April 2006)

* Giudici, C, Rinaldi, C and Krechevsky, M (eds) (2001) Making Learning Visible: Children as individual and group learners (Reggio Children)

* Gopnik, A, Meltzoff, A and Kuhl, P (1999) How Babies Think (Phoenix)

* Siraj-Blatchford, I, Sylva, K, Muttock, S, Gilden, R and Bell, D (2002) Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years (Research Report 356), Institute of Education, London and Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford. This report can be obtained from DfESPublications, PO Box 5050, Sherwood Park, Annesley, Nottingham NG15 ODJ or tel: 0845 60 222 60, quoting reference no: RR356. It can also be downloaded from