
Season's greetings from the Nursery World team

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers, advertisers and suppliers.

The Nursery World team will be taking a break, with our office closed from 22 December. We will return on 2 January.

Nursery World's email bulletins will also be having a short break over Christmas and New Year.

  • The final Update bulletin of 2017 will be on 22 December, and the first one of 2018 will be on 3 January
  • The final Practice bulletin of 2017 is 21 December, and the first one of 2017 will be on 4 January
  • The final Management bulletin of 2017 was on 19 December, and the first one of 2018 will be on 2 January.

The next print issue of Nursery World will be published on 8 January, and will include a four-page special All About.. Spatial Reasoning and a preview of the Nursery World Show 2018.

A new poster series, 'A Child's World', begins in this issue with the theme of water.

A special EYFS Best Practice in Schools, on early years in academies, will come out with the following issue of Nursery World on 22 January.

And on 5 February, there will be a special focus on phonics and literacy in the early years.

Keep visiting for the latest news and to explore our extensive archive of articles on best practice, careers, training, management and more, including our Practice Guides and Management Guides.

And you can subscribe to Nursery World at