
Sector able to draw on new knowledge bank

Early years practitioners from this week onwards will be able to use a new free online resource that draws on evidence of 'what really works' in early years services.

Children's sector professionals will be able to seek out research andevidence on specific areas using an interactive progress-mapping toolthat gives them the latest research and information in one place.

Launched by the Centre for Outcomes and Excellence in Children and YoungPeople's Services (C4EO), the 'knowledge base' holds research andexamples of what is really working around the country in early yearsservices.

The centre is running nine regional workshops to help professionals toaccess the information. The first workshop was held in Leeds at thelaunch last week.

The centre has also recruited and trained 21 specialists from across thesector who will act as mentors advising senior strategic managers inlocal authorities and children's trusts on how to use the resource toimprove services in their areas.

The focus for early years is on two key areas - the best way to narrowthe gap and improve outcomes for young children in poverty, and how toimprove children's attainment by supporting families.

Speaking after the launch, Sue Owen, who is the lead for early years,said, 'One of the things that sector specialists can do is work withprofessionals on using the progress mapping results in their ownareas.

'It's an opportunity for people working in local authorities to have allthe latest literature and good practice guidance in one place.'

She said councils would be able to add their own examples of practice tothe website.

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