
Sniff, sniff

Child development opportunities * To listen carefully to speech and respond quickly.
Child development opportunities

* To listen carefully to speech and respond quickly.

* To talk about flowers, their colours and their scents.

* To develop imagination.

* To have fun together.

How to play

* Talk about flowers, their colours and their scents.

* The children stand in a circle facing inwards.

* One child stands in the middle holding a pretend bunch of flowers.

* This child goes up to another child, holds out her flowers and says, 'Smell my yellow flowers. Sniff, sniff.'

* The other child replies, 'Sniff, sniff. They smell good.'

* The first child then selects someone else in the circle and says, 'Smell my blue flowers, Sniff, sniff.' (The colour can change).

* The game continues until the first child says, 'Smell my pink flowers.

Help. There's a bee in one.'

* She pretends to throw the bunch down and both children run out of the circle through the empty space, round the circle and back to the empty place in the circle.

* The child who gets back to the place in the circle first holds the bunch of flowers and the game begins again.


* Hold the bunch of flowers yourself until the children know how to play the game.

* Let the children change the colour of the flowers as they wish.

* As they get used to the game add smells including some nasty smells!

For more games, see Acker Backa BOO! - Games to Say and Play From Around the World by Opal Dunn (Frances Lincoln, 10.99). Copyright Opal Dunn. The author disclaims responsibility for any adverse effects resulting directly or indirectly from the game outlined.