
Spotlight on ... Andrea Davies

Name: Andrea Davies

Position: Teaching assistant at Ysgol Y Llan, Whitford, Flintshire

- How did you come to be regional winner and a national finalist in theteaching awards category for Teaching Assistant of the Year?

I was nominated by staff at the school. I was only told about the awardson the day that the judges were due to come down to meet me and talk toparents and past members of staff. I was really surprised and takenaback with the news, as it's my job and I enjoy it.

- What does your role as a teaching assistant involve?

I work with nursery age children and upwards, helping and supportingthem. We do a lot of outdoor play and regularly take the children tofeed the animals in the nearby fields.

- How long have you worked as a teaching assistant?

I have worked at Ysgol y Llan school for 18 years and recently completedmy foundation degree, which was hard work, but I'm glad I did it.Altogether I've worked as a nursery nurse for 34 years.