
Spotlight on ... Carol Robinson, Childminder

Name: Carol Robinson

Position: Childminder

What was it like to be rated by Ofsted the first 'outstanding'childminder in North Lincolnshire?

It was absolutely amazing. I never dreamed I would get it, but I hadbeen working towards it and I wanted to build a real reputation for mybusiness.

What are you studying?

Every week I do a 46-mile round trip to college in Scunthorpe, for myfoundation degree in early years at the University of Lincoln. I'mconsidering an Honours degree as my next step.

How did you feel when you found out you were dyslexic?

It wasn't until I started childminding courses at college that I foundout. I'd gone through school and nobody picked it up. It explained a lotof things. I did a literacy course and it put me on track, improved myreading and writing and my confidence. I have a 'talking wizard' on mycomputer and I now help other college students who have dyslexia.

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