
Spotlight on ... Clare Roberts, Kids Planet Day Nurseries

Name: Clare Roberts

Position: Owner of Kids Planet Day Nurseries in Cheshire


How did you feel about winning the Warrington Guardian's Business Start Up award?

I was thrilled and shocked. It was really nice to be recognised for our achievements. I think the reason we won was because my business partner and I only started the business in 2007 and now we employ over 85 people in the local area.

What did you win?

We were presented with a wooden award, designed and made by art students, and a bottle of champagne - although I wouldn't consider the award as just mine, because without our staff we wouldn't have a business.

What are your future plans?

We will be opening a new nursery in November, bringing the total number of nurseries in the chain to four. We are always on the look-out for premises to open more nurseries. In the long run we hope to have eight to ten settings.


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