
Spotlight on ... Donna Wilder

Name: Donna Wilder

Position: Childminder, Rushden, Northamptonshire

- How have you been helping children in Goa?

Along with my husband and sister, I've been taking over suitcases ofclothes and toys for deprived children. We've been going over twice ayear since Christmas 2006 when we went for my 50th birthday.

- What made you decide to help?

I was brought up in poverty but seeing children fighting for survivalreally touched me. They are so grateful and excited over what weconsider to be old and worthless. We give out clothes, toys, footballsand old mobile phones to children who are working on the beach,collecting empty bottles for recycling. We collect everything throughword of mouth.

- How has the experience affected you?

I used to be so wasteful with money. Now I shop in charity shops and I'mnot interested in throwaway things. It has changed my attitude. We'regoing back in November and I'd really like anyone who wants to donateanything to email me at

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