
Spotlight on ... Leanne Polis-Henry

Name: Leanne Polis-Henry

Position: Placements and Recruitment Service manager, Smart Training

- Tell me about the new Placements and Recruitment Service.

We launched it about six weeks ago and have had lots of interest so far.The service is for 16- to 24-year-olds and has three main areas:organising work placements and offering training; recruiting staff forSmart Training employers; and providing free NVQ and apprenticeshiptraining for under-25-year-olds.

- What were you doing before you joined the service?

I used to be a training manager for Smart Training. It's a greatopportunity to use the experience I gained in that role.

- What are your future plans?

At the moment the service is based in London and the south-east,although we are hoping to make it nationwide and are looking at openingup the service to people living in the north. We are also launching awebsite in the next month for 16- to 18-year-olds.

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