
Spotlight on ... Marjorie Howgate

Name: Marjorie Howgate

Position: Retired nursery assistant from Kensington Nursery School inPreston

- How long were you working at Kensington?

I worked there for over 20 years. I started because a friend of mineworked there and she asked me to fill in one day. Then after that,whenever anyone was off I was always called up.

- What will you miss most about it?

It's a really lovely place. I think it was so nice because it was small,so you really get to know everyone. It's not just me who has been therea long time. A lady who has recently become the cook has also been thereover 20 years. She just moved over to doing the cooking! Everyone hasbeen there a long time and I think that's what I liked about it, andthat's what the children and parents like about it.

- What are your plans for retirement?

I might do a bit of travelling and will spend time with mygrandchildren. I'm also available for the odd time if the manager needsme.

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