
Spotlight on…Samantha Metson-Jeffrey

Careers & Training
Teaching assistant, Goudhurst Village Pre-School, Cranbrook. Samantha was named Early Years Care Apprentice of the Year at the Lifetime Learner Achievement Awards in November.

Why did you decide to do an early years apprenticeship?

I was volunteering at my son’s pre-school and they asked me to stay on, so it made sense to do an apprenticeship. I always wanted to get into early years work. To be honest I didn’t think it could be that hard, I thought it was just playing with children! I didn’t realise that it is so much more. You and the children become like family.

How was the Lifetime Learner Achievement Awards ceremony?

It was amazing! As one of the four finalists for Early Years Care Apprentice of the Year, I was taken on a tour of the London Dungeons where the ceremony was held, and on the London Eye. I took my 11-year-old son as my plus one, which was so nice. I honestly never thought I would win, it was just a nice day out.

How do you hope to develop your career?

I would be interested in maybe focusing on special needs or speech and language. My eldest son is autistic so I am particularly interested in those areas. I have also signed up for Forest School training and am going to get my maths GCSE. But I want to stay where I am; I love my job and want to be the best I can at it.