
Stop stammering

Do you know a child under the age of five who stammers? The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children is carrying out a research project to investigate the effectiveness of the treatment provided to children under five. Approximately 5 per cent of children stammer for a period of time, and many of these will recover without help. For those who continue to stammer, we know that early intervention by a speech and language therapist is vital.
Do you know a child under the age of five who stammers? The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children is carrying out a research project to investigate the effectiveness of the treatment provided to children under five.

Approximately 5 per cent of children stammer for a period of time, and many of these will recover without help. For those who continue to stammer, we know that early intervention by a speech and language therapist is vital.

We are recruiting children who have been stammering for a minimum of 12 months. Children who have not received therapy in the past six months, who speak English at home and who have no identified learning difficulties would be eligible to take part. Both parents (if a two-parent family) need to be able to attend the Centre for therapy.

The Centre is an NHS- and charity-funded organisation that provides specialist assessment and therapy services for children who stammer and their families. There are no funding implications for local Primary Care Trusts, since the therapy is being funded by the Association for Research into Stammering in Childhood.

For more information, please contact me on 020 7530 4238, e-mail sharon.millard@, or write to me at the address below.

Sharon Millard

The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, Finsbury Health Centre, Pine Street, London EC1R 0LP