
Strategy of destruction

Am I missing something, or does it seem to other people that we are hearing the death knell for sessional pre-schools when the Government's ten-year strategy is implemented? Many pre-schools will be unable to offer places from 8am to 4pm or 6pm because of the type of premises they are in - village or church halls in particular. Does that mean that in villages where the only type of pre-school experience is sessional, they are to have nothing?
Am I missing something, or does it seem to other people that we are hearing the death knell for sessional pre-schools when the Government's ten-year strategy is implemented?

Many pre-schools will be unable to offer places from 8am to 4pm or 6pm because of the type of premises they are in - village or church halls in particular. Does that mean that in villages where the only type of pre-school experience is sessional, they are to have nothing?

Also, many parents do not want full daycare. They still wish to care for their children themselves while giving them the opportunity of mixing with their peers in pre-schools when they are ready.

This all seems to be driven by a Government desperate to get parents into work whatever the cost, whether it is the best thing for children or not, and for many children it is not in their best interest.

* Audrey Bowers, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire