
Summer reading

If you want to back up your gardening projects (see page 18) with some classroom reading, you could take a look at The Global Garden by Kate Petty and Jennie Maizels, published by Transworld at Pounds 12.99. This 'lift the flap', 'turn the wheel', 'pull the tag' feat of paper engineering is an Eden Project book intended to inform children about how plants grow and what they are used for - foxgloves for heart medicine and lavender for soap, for example. A chapter entitled 'The Amazing Photosynthesis Factory' examines what a plant needs to survive and looks at the edible parts of plants and fruits through a series of little flaps. Three pull-out booklets within the book describe 'How did your rubber tyre grow?', 'How did your jeans grow?' and 'How did your book grow?'
If you want to back up your gardening projects (see page 18) with some classroom reading, you could take a look at The Global Garden by Kate Petty and Jennie Maizels, published by Transworld at 12.99. This 'lift the flap', 'turn the wheel', 'pull the tag' feat of paper engineering is an Eden Project book intended to inform children about how plants grow and what they are used for - foxgloves for heart medicine and lavender for soap, for example.

A chapter entitled 'The Amazing Photosynthesis Factory' examines what a plant needs to survive and looks at the edible parts of plants and fruits through a series of little flaps. Three pull-out booklets within the book describe 'How did your rubber tyre grow?', 'How did your jeans grow?' and 'How did your book grow?'

There is also a spread on imports such as tea, coffee and sugar, as well as a flower show. This is an ideal introduction to any visit you might have planned to the Eden Centre or any farming or horticultural project.

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Chopsticks by Jon Berkeley is the story of a mouse who lives in a floating restaurant in Hong Kong. Chopsticks (the mouse in question) manages to bring an elaborately painted wood and lacquer dragon pillar to life so that they can both fly 'over lands that you and I only dream of'. The style and colour in this book manage to give a real sense and feeling for the places described. The illustrations, spread across two pages at a time, make it ideal for holding up to the class for closer inspection. Published by Oxford at 4.99.

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Where's My Darling Daughter? By Mij Kelly & Katharine McEwen (Oxford, Pounds 4.99) follows Poppa Bombola's search for his missing little girl as he races round his farmyard making enquiries among his livestock. Told entirely in rhyme and at rapid, rhythmic pace, this tale will amuse the younger ones and stretch your reading-aloud skills to the full.

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