
Sure Start innovates in rural outreach

Play vans, fire stations and a children's centre on a military base are among the measures being used by West Northumberland Sure Start to improve outreach services in rural areas.

Sure Start West has now acquired three more play vans, taking their total to eight. The play vans, which contain toys, books and play equipment as well as having internet access, make visits to rural villages and hamlets.

Jackie McCormick, Children's Centre Locality Manager West, said, 'With 975 square miles to cover, we needed to think of innovative ways to reach people. There may be only two three-year-olds in some of these villages, but they have the same right to play as children in an urban area.

'We often take people from Job Centre Plus on the play van, or a speech and language therapist.'

Sure Start West has also built a strong partnership with the fire service. Ms McCormick said, 'This is a deeply rural area and we have fire stations all along the Roman Wall. Some of these fire stations are only used for three hours a week, so when they are not in use we run breastfeeding groups and baby clinics in them.'

Sure Start West recently opened an outreach post of Prudhoe Children's Centre at Albemarle Barracks in Stamfordham, where there are around 50 children under five.

The outreach post, called Mini Mess, offers childcare, a weekly play and stay session, a baby clinic, toddler group and toy library.

'It has been a lifeline for the families there. They desperately needed services as there is no public transport and it is in the middle of nowhere,' said Ms McCormick.

'The mothers can get very isolated when their husbands are away. When they return from Afghanistan, they get debriefing sessions as they have seen some horrendous things, and we want to work with the army on this, as there can be a lot of tension in the family when they return.'

Sure Start West has been publicising its innovative outreach services through an information DVD made by the Northumberland-based Flashlight Films.

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