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I'd put money on children in your nursery liking Postman Pat, Noddy or Pingu. They are all filmed using a process called stop-frame animation. Tiny changes in the positioning of characters are made between photographs and at 25 photographs each second, it takes months to make just one five-minute episode.
I'd put money on children in your nursery liking Postman Pat, Noddy or Pingu. They are all filmed using a process called stop-frame animation.

Tiny changes in the positioning of characters are made between photographs and at 25 photographs each second, it takes months to make just one five-minute episode.

It is possible to repeat this in the classroom but it usually involves software that may be too complicated for young children - until now.

2Animate! is a simple yet powerful program from 2Simple Software. You can create simple drawn animations on screen and take a series of photographs using a webcam to create your own stop-frame animation.

The software has an uncluttered interface with a choice of three user levels. At the simplest, children have access to coloured pencils to draw and build up their animation on screen over four frames. At the click of a button this will then animate. Advanced features include adding special effects, a variety of drawing tools including text, shapes and stamps, and options to adjust the speed, size and number of frames within the animation. If you create models and sets with Plasticine, you can capture images using a webcam. The software will even let you print out each frame to make flicker books.

Nursery topics provide plenty of opportunities to create animations, as children work together co-operatively and develop thinking skills. Start with some simple drawn animations such as a face built up over four frames (head, eyes, nose, a smile), building a snowman, adding more apples on a tree or fewer leaves as winter approaches. Science sessions will come alive with animations of growth, floating and sinking. Stop-frame is also great for storytelling if you start simple. Try a toy car moving along or building a Lego tower block and knocking it over. Use cardboard boxes for sets, and fabric, paper, buttons, shells and pebbles for scenery.

* 2Animate is available from 020 8203 1781 or The program costs 29 for a single user or 79 for a five-user licence.