
The Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit

The Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit, introduced in April to streamline and replace a range of previous tax credits including Working Families Tax Credit and the Childcare Tax Credit, got off to an 'unfortunate start' due to problems with processing a 'significant number' of applications, according to a report from the House of Commons Treasury select committee. The report, published last week, said that by 2 July, the Inland Revenue had not resolved 220,000 applications - just under five per cent of the total - even though more than 100,000 of these had been received more than a month earlier. View the report at cm/cmtreasy.htmNoNoreports.
The Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit, introduced in April to streamline and replace a range of previous tax credits including Working Families Tax Credit and the Childcare Tax Credit, got off to an 'unfortunate start' due to problems with processing a 'significant number'

of applications, according to a report from the House of Commons Treasury select committee. The report, published last week, said that by 2 July, the Inland Revenue had not resolved 220,000 applications - just under five per cent of the total - even though more than 100,000 of these had been received more than a month earlier. View the report at

* Nursery World will be examining the introduction of the new tax credits in a forthcoming special report.