
Wash day

CHILD-INITIATED Explore the process of washing - both bathing dolls and washing clothes

Explore the process of washing - both bathing dolls and washing clothes


Baby dolls and their clothes; washing equipment (including appropriate detergents, sponges, etc) for both dolls and their clothes; drying equipment for both dolls and their clothes, including towels, a washing line and clothes pegs

Play possibilities

* Giving the dolls a bath.

* Playing 'families', nurturing the dolls as well as bathing them.

* Washing the clothes and pegging them out to dry.

* Singing 'This is the way we wash the clothes'.

* Exploring soapsuds.

* Experimenting with making lather and then rinsing it off.

Things to do and say

* Offer the activity in a variety of weather conditions so the children can experience the different effects of the weather.

* Offer a variety of soaps and detergents. Which makes the best bubbles?

* Offer a variety of clothes pegs. Ask the children to investigate which are best.

* Add a washing board and scrubbing brush.

* How can we get the dolls dry?

* How quickly can we dry the dolls' clothes?

Possible learning outcomes

Has a developing awareness of their own needs, views and feelings and is sensitive to the needs, views and feelings of others

Extends their vocabulary, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words Investigates objects and materials by using all of their senses as appropriate

Asks questions about why things happen and how things work