
What do you know?

Test your knowledge about child development, the value of play in the early years and the importance of observing and assessing young children by answering true or false. to these statements.
Test your knowledge about child development, the value of play in the early years and the importance of observing and assessing young children by answering true or false.

to these statements.

1 A reflex is an automatic physical response to a stimulus. If you stroke a baby's cheek she will automatically turn towards the side that is stroked - this a reflex called 'rooting'.

2 When young children are playing it is always best to let them play on their own.

3 Susan Isaacs researched in the 1920s and 1930s and believed that children can use play to express their feelings.

4 All observations of young children should be in written text.

5 A child 18 months old can speak in sentences of eight words or more.

6 Seven-year-old children draw a person as a cephalopod.

1 True. Some reflexes are only present in the baby for a short time after birth; some last throughout life, for example coughing.

2 False. It is useful to join in their play sometimes as it helps the professional nanny to encourage non-competitive games, ensure safety standards and make sure that no chld is being left out of the play.

3 True. Susan Isaacs believed in the value of play, recognising that it helped children to express their feelings. She also recommended a nursery-type education until children were about seven.

4 False. There are many different methods of recording your observations - for example, the use of charts, check lists or audio tapes. All observations need permission to be granted first.

5 False. A child of 18 months is more likely to be using two words together -for example, 'more dinner'. This is called 'telegraphese'.

6 False. Seven-year-old children can make a complex drawing depicting all the main features of a person using a variety of materials.