
Opinion: Editor's view

There's evidence that times really are getting harder for providers.

Last week, we ran a story about the warning from PricewaterhouseCoopersthat the worst of the recession is yet to come for nurseries (News, 22October). More proof of this delayed effect comes in the NDNA survey wereport on in this issue (News, page 6).

Many settings are freezing staff pay rather than putting up fees toparents, and could risk losing employees or not being able to pay forthose who gain higher qualifications. The idea of having a graduate tolead practice in every setting could start to look rather forlorn.

Meanwhile, more parents are struggling financially or being maderedundant, and levels of bad debt are rising. The temptation to justtake the free entitlement at a nursery and fill in other hours withinformal care from friends and relatives is obviously strong, and it isthis that could hit settings hardest, leaving them with the part oftheir service that doesn't pay its way.

And fears over the implementation of the Single Funding Formula for thefree entitlement are growing, with Early Education launching a toolkitand petition on the Number 10 website (News, page 4). Increasingly, itlooks as though the SFF will produce equality and transparency -everyone will lose out, but at least it will be obvious!

Postal strike

With chaos continuing from the postal strike, we will again be running adigital version of Nursery World on our website www.nurseryworld.co.ukand e-mailing it to subscribers where possible. And as a printers' errormeant that Nursery Chains was not included in the 22 October issue, thatis also online and being sent out with this issue.