
Opinion: Editor's view - Our latest show

Our latest show told us what early years practitioners really want and need.

It was fantastic to see so many of our readers at Nursery World Show 2009 last Friday and Saturday at London's Business Design Centre. Thousands of visitors came to see the exhibition and attend the seminars, and the atmosphere was bustling and vibrant.

The need for information, advice, services and resources in the early years sector was very evident from the show. Visitors were keen to snap up new equipment for their settings, and some exhibitors sold everything on their stands before the end of the show. Associations and charities found a huge demand for information and advice on everything from Early Years Professional Status to immunisation, insurance and legislation.

Many of the seminars tackling different aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage were completely sold out, with practitioners greatly enjoying presentations from leading experts, including Jennie Lindon on working with under-threes, Maria Robinson on child behaviour, Ann Langston on child-centred learning and Laura Henry on the Self-Evaluation Form for early years inspections.

The live theatre stage featured engaging displays throughout the two days, including yoga, dance, cookery and Montessori practice. The creche entertained small visitors while parents and carers toured the stands, and the Blue Cross Dalmatian dog drew many admiring glances.

Many thanks to all our visitors, exhibitors, seminar leaders and sponsors, especially headline sponsor the Children's Workforce Development Council, for their contribution. We're looking forward to Nursery World Show 2010 already! Do let us know what you thought of the event and anything else you'd like to see there next year. For more information, go to www.nuseryworldshow.com.