
Opinion: Letters

Letter of the week


I found the letter 'Joys of playgroups' (Nursery World, 24 September) heart-warming. I, too, run a small playgroup, and would not have survived so long without the support of the parents.

It has been very difficult at times to continue, with little finance and competition from both school nurseries and private settings opening up within the area. However, the playgroup has remained a clear favourite with parents, as it is small and more personal. Many have commented on its family feel and relaxed atmosphere.

I do feel that over the last few years childcare has become too reliant on profit-making, instead of just providing care and support for families and children. I really do hope that playgroups remain a focus within communities, as they provide not just childcare and education - they also offer a network for parents and a meeting place for children, who will grow up and attend school together.

I would like to think the changes over recent years have been for the better. However, all the legislation and qualifications requirements we now have to adhere to have made it very difficult for playgroups to stay open. Yet there are people out there who are committed to providing children with the best possible start, who are prepared to work for a pittance and for little acknowledgment for what they do, because the best reward is watching the children progress, learn, grow and, most importantly, feel happy and confident.

But there are also many experienced early years practitioners who are choosing to walk away from the profession, which is a real shame. So, hang on fellow playgroups, you are important to your community.

Mrs K M Hay, Holmcroft Pre-school Playgroup, Staffordshire

Letter of the Week wins £30 worth of books


'Free lunch "not enough" for healthier living' (News, 10 September) commented on the lack of regulations for food in nurseries and the poor food served in some settings. While we would strongly defend the quality of food in our nurseries, as I'm sure would many others, the article nonetheless touched on a subject that we have already begun to address with the help of a number of organisations. To this end, we are now leading a project to write the National Standards for Early Years Food.

The process of gathering the views of nursery chefs and cooks has begun, so anyone interested can contact us at: June@leyf.org.uk.

June O'Sullivan, CEO, London Early Years Foundation (formerly WCS)


I was wondering if any Nursery World readers might be able to help me. I have five years' nursery experience, but never took the NVQ. This never seemed to be a problem with my former employers, and I went on to be promoted within the nursery. I then stopped working after a family crisis and now I am having little success in trying to get back into work because of my lack of qualifications.

The nurseries I have approached say that they require staff to have an NVQ at some level. I enquired at the Job Centre about getting on to an NVQ course. They directed me to a local training provider, who informed me that the Government had overspent on its training budget and that as a provider, it had decided to stop doing the course all together.

I am not financially able to fund any NVQ training at the moment, so would be happy to volunteer. However, I don't see how any of my local nurseries would be able to fund my NVQ or even want to, and when I approached the local volunteer agency, they said that they are absolutely swamped with requests for childcare placements.

I feel very frustrated by all this. I was wondering if any readers knew of any other ways of getting back into teaching nursery or any other qualifications I could apply for, particularly something that would take into account my experience.

I am sure there must be a lot of people in a similar position, and any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Sara Kane-Little, shoozeme@yahoo.co.uk

- Send your letters to ... The Editor, Nursery World, 174 Hammersmith Road, London W6 7JP letter.nw@haymarket.com 020 8267 8401.