
Spotlight on ... Jeanette Knox

Management Provision
Position: Early years manager, Enterprise Childcare Pre 3+ Centre, Greenock

How did the nursery celebrate its tenth birthday?

We had a nice large birthday cake and gave all the children spoons rather than cutting it into slices, so they could freely help themselves. It was a great party with a bouncy castle, party snacks and the children's favourite songs.

How has the nursery changed since its opening?

I've been here since the beginning. We're unique in that we're solely for under-threes and there's a big gap in the market for that. We started with one room and we had to open a second in our second year because of the demand.

Where would you like to see the nursery in another ten years?

It's hard to look that far ahead because ten years is such a long time and so much changes in early years in that kind of time. The most important thing for us at the moment is just looking for funding, because costs are so high.