
Fun for all in Parents' Week

Beach parties, music days and craft sessions were held to celebrate last week's Parents' Week (21-27 October) amid revelations that Posh and Becks are out and parents are in as the role models for most children. At the start of Parents' Week, organised by the National Family and Parenting Institute (NFPI), the sun shone for children from Bridlington South Sure Start in East Yorkshire having fun at their beach hut. Sure Start administrator Leone Pavlidou said, 'We had a lovely day and it was very sunny as we played games, made sandcastles and collected shells on the beach.
Beach parties, music days and craft sessions were held to celebrate last week's Parents' Week (21-27 October) amid revelations that Posh and Becks are out and parents are in as the role models for most children.

At the start of Parents' Week, organised by the National Family and Parenting Institute (NFPI), the sun shone for children from Bridlington South Sure Start in East Yorkshire having fun at their beach hut. Sure Start administrator Leone Pavlidou said, 'We had a lovely day and it was very sunny as we played games, made sandcastles and collected shells on the beach.

'But the biggest success of the week was our Pampered Parents' Night held at the Family Centre. It was nice to give the parents a chance to relax and be looked after.' The Body Shop provided makeovers, while the local Therapy Centre brought along Indian head masseurs and reflexologists to give massages and East Riding College beauty therapy department gave hand massages and manicures.

Ferry Fryston and Airedale Sure Start in West Yorkshire took the Week's 'Images of Families' theme and gave disposable cameras to parents to take photos of their family life which were made into an exhibition. Sure Start parent involvement worker Lynne Stringer said, 'We also had a fun day with the intention that parents join in with their children.'

The Grandparents' Association clubbed together with Sure Start Harlow, in Essex, to hold a music fun day. Sure Start worker Polly Burrell said, 'We made musical instruments out of plastic bottles and pasta which were decorated and used for a music session with parents and grandparents all joining in.'

Other events around the country included a special breakfast for dads held by Sure Start Stoke North. The Maltings Theatre and Arts Centre in Berwick upon Tweed ran entertainment workshops, and Isle of Wight EYDCP held a family fun day at Ventnor Botanical Gardens.

Results from a Kids' Clubs Network (KCN) survey launched during the week lent parents extra moral support, as 72 per cent of the four-to 14-year-olds surveyed said they head straight to their parents with problems. While the survey found that many children look up to celebrity role models including Victoria and David Beckham and the Queen, it is overwhelmingly their parents whom they respect the most.

Anne Longfield, KCN chief executive, said, 'That most children look up to their parents for advice and support only underlines the fact that parents need to be able to spend more quality time with their families.

'Parents are obviously getting it right against the odds of working hours that often take precedence over family life. They must be afforded flexibility within their working life and access to high-quality childcare services so they can choose the times when their children most need them as they grow up.'