
New approaches to working with children

New approaches to working with children will be at the heart of the agenda of a conference at the London Institute of Education on 12 November organised in conjunction with the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU). The conference, which is targeted at early years practitioners, trainers, managers and policy makers, will focus on whether present reform and modernisation of children's services goes far enough. Contact Annabelle Stapleton at TCRU on 020 7882 6962.
New approaches to working with children will be at the heart of the agenda of a conference at the London Institute of Education on 12 November organised in conjunction with the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU). The conference, which is targeted at early years practitioners, trainers, managers and policy makers, will focus on whether present reform and modernisation of children's services goes far enough. Contact Annabelle Stapleton at TCRU on 020 7882 6962.