
The Big Picture - A dog’s life

Activities Families
More than 150 Great North Snowdogs will be on the loose across the North East in a unique public art trail taking place this autumn.

More than 150 Great North Snowdogs will be on the loose across the North East in a unique public art trail taking place this autumn.

The dog sculptures will be exhibited in streets, parks and public spaces from 19 September to 29 November across Tyneside, Sunderland and Gateshead. Inspired by The Snowman books by Raymond Briggs, Great North Snowdogs is the result of a partnership between creative producers Wild in Art and Newcastle charity St Oswald’s Children’s Hospice.

Sixty 1.5m-high sculptures have been designed by artists and celebrities, with 100 Little Snowdogs decorated by schoolchildren. The dogs will be auctioned on 29 November to raise money for St Oswald’s.
