
Editor's view - thinking about the EYFS Review

Let's all start thinking about what might be in store after the review of the EYFS

The review of the Early Years Foundation Stage is due to be published very soon - barring hitches - so it is a good time to reflect on likely changes and how the early years sector should respond. On Nursery World, we will also make sure that we produce lots of high-quality articles that tie in with any change in emphasis.

Communication, Language and Literacy Development may well have a greater focus, and this is also Hello, the Year of Communication, so Helen Moylett's expert series on this subject will be even more welcome. The fourth part is due to be published on 14 April.

The Special Educational Needs Green Paper says Every Child a Talker, which has been a hugely popular scheme, could be put out to tender to outside organisations to run. Let's hope this support can continue.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development is another area that could be given more prominence in the EYFS review. Aptly, our new issue of Nursery Equipment, out with Nursery World on 3 May, will have PSED as its theme, looking at providing an enabling environment to promote this and concentrating on all the relevant dispositions and attitudes. Nursery Equipment will give advice on resourcing your setting to encourage children's independence, motivation, curiosity, confidence, security and awareness of themselves and others.

Make sure you don't miss this essential supplement.

Nursery World Awards

A gentle reminder not to miss the deadline to enter the Nursery World Awards 2011, which falls on 11 May. For inspiration, turn to pages 26-27 and our profile of Red Hen Day Nursery, previous winner of the Nursery Food and Enabling Environments Awards.