
Work matters: On course

Careers & Training
21st September 2009

Understanding the Multi-Sensory Concept - Delegates will learn how toget the most out of a multi-sensory environment without breaking budget.The course will also enable participants to gain a greater understandingof how to apply multi-sensory principles and provide them with ideas fortheir setting. - Glasgow. Cost: 185 plus VAT. Visitwww.concept-training.co.uk or call 01524 832828

29th September 2009

Observation, Assessment and Planning Workshop - This workshop offers apractical guide to delivering top-quality observations that translateinto best-practice planning. Share your OAP challenges with your peersto move forwards and focus on the practicalities of OAP for yourspecific setting. This workshop runs alongside Nursery World's EYFS OneYear On conference (below). - Birmingham. Cost: from 199. Visitwww.eyfsconference.com or call 020 8267 4011.

30th September 2009

Implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage: One Year On - MovingForwards. One year on after implementation, what challenges are you andyour peers facing under the EYFS? This one-day conference will examinehow the EYFS has been received, interpreted and implemented by earlyyears professionals. Gain practical advice from Ofsted officials,award-winning settings and LA early years teams. - Birmingham. Cost:from 299. Visit www.eyfsconference.com or call 020 8267 4011.

25th November 2009

The Ultimate Early Years Environment - This course will help delegatescreate an outstanding emotional and physical environment usingsuccessful strategies and self-evaluation. Practitioners will look atthe impact of the outdoors on children's development and learning andhow to promote this to colleagues and senior management. Throughout theday, delegates will be given tools to implement the six areas oflearning. - Manchester. Cost: 269 plus VAT. Visitwww.osiriseducational.co.uk or call 0808 160 5 160.