
Work Matters: Training Update

Careers & Training
Tuning up for the EYFS

Music For Starters, a specialist supplier of music, percussion and puppets for young children, is running three new courses to help practitioners introduce music in their settings.

The first course, Music to Support Inclusion, is on 9 February in Birmingham and is aimed at those working with children with speech and language needs and children with English as an additional language. This will be followed up with two courses in London: Being Creative with Music (23 March) and The Singing Classroom - Using Music to Support the Whole EYFS Curriculum (31 March).

All courses are linked to the EYFS and led by Sarah Carling, director of Music for Starters and an experienced advisory teacher for primary schools and nurseries.


On offer at Acorn

Acorn Childcare is encouraging early years practitioners to introduce French with a one-day course designed for those who have little or no knowledge of the language.

The company also reports strong uptake for its Practical Ways to Manage Attachment Problems, a one-day course for a group of ten on helping children build healthy attachments.

Acorn is currently offering a third course at half price when three are booked together.


Time for action

Noel Quinn's Business Planning workshop is for anyone thinking of setting up in the voluntary, community or private sector working as a sole trader, a partnership, a limited company or voluntary management committee. At the end of the course participants will be able to produce a business and action plan, understand the legal framework in which they work and know where to go for further help and guidance.


Creative thinking

Experiential Play is supporting Scotland's new Early Years Framework with a range of courses covering birth-to-three and child wellbeing. Outdoor Play (4 February) considers the design and layout of outdoor spaces. Physical Play for Under Threes (11 February) offers practical ideas and looks at the latest research. Framework for a Thinking Establishment (19 February) focuses on creative thinking. Delegates will receive a handout of ideas and resources.
