
A checklist of 15 questions

A checklist of 15 questions that parents can ask youth organisations to help protect young people from abuse by adults has been published by the Scottish Executive. The Parent Checklist for Youth Activities was launched by minister for young people Cathy Jamieson and will be distributed to primary school children and youth and children's organisations. The questions include whether an organisation has procedures in place for recruitment and training, guidance on behaviour towards children and adequate numbers of leaders and helpers. It is available on
A checklist of 15 questions that parents can ask youth organisations to help protect young people from abuse by adults has been published by the Scottish Executive. The Parent Checklist for Youth Activities was launched by minister for young people Cathy Jamieson and will be distributed to primary school children and youth and children's organisations. The questions include whether an organisation has procedures in place for recruitment and training, guidance on behaviour towards children and adequate numbers of leaders and helpers. It is available on